Sunday, June 29, 2008

It ain’t over until the malnourished citizen reigns

Disillusion and mixed priorities

It’s easy to forget that Kenya is but a third world country. Political debate has evolved to aloof posturing, irrelevant home comings and talk-down politics that snare at recipient citizens as mortal fools. While many still languish in IDP camps, resigned to inadequate management of healthcare, pension infrastructure and the manipulation of the currency every instant an IPO is offered on the NSE, the Kalonzo’s of Kenya (virtually all MP’s) are busy crisscrossing the barren Country promising and pontificating resolution politics. All we get in return is a baked forehead at political rallies, crusted lips and a soar throat on an empty belly and little else other than the sideshow that accompanies these morons.

State of the state

Kenya’s state of the state is well known and to review it here would amount to similar intrigues generated by Kenya’s sudden awareness, as if. Let’s distinguish the genuine effort to go beyond simple rhetoric of unity and peace from taking an ideological position against Zimbabwe while our own actions provided Mugabe with a blueprint on how to simply wrestle the Presidency from the Tsvangarai. To that effect Wetangula is not only the “moron in chief” busy painting a façade of Kenya’s astute foreign policy irrespective of our structural failures & travails that the “Thief in Chief” ignores conveniently or wantonly exploits to further the cause of the old guard and a select few. Kenyans must agitate forward and demand action; not tomorrow or the day after but yesterday. The Media must play an active and responsible role in reporting what is fact and simply ignore calls to fortify the charge to 2012. I doubt they will.


We certainly cannot gage the political will to offer Kenya a new constitution nor how sincere efforts to finally resolve this issue lie with the thugs in office. The Thief in Chief must be subjected to pressure and inundated with rebuke from all angles to ensure that our children will no longer have to deal with this menace that has lived with us for as long as the Country has been around. It is a foolish indulgence to continue plunder knowing full well one does not live forever and granted, tax payers money has been lost and as the trend goes, as is the case with Grand Regency illegal sale, will continue to be lost, it is invariable a matter of time before the Country implodes. Political will is, sadly, the only sure way to ensure that Kenya becomes whole as perceived by Anyang Nyongo’s vision 2030. Yes, it was Anyang Nyongo’s vision.


Underestimate the will of Kenyan’s to be resolute is a grave albeit unavoidable aloofness that comes with being elected to Parliament. It seem to me substance stays behind when MP’s take their oath and pledge to deliver half truths, see Kimunya, nor solutions to roadside pledges during their campaigns. MP’s have proven time and again to be a useless lot of bloated idealist who border on insanity with little or no substance at the end of their terms only to come back and haunt the exchequer for back-pay amounting to Kshs.1/2 Billion. What a deathblow masterstroke that guarantees diversionary politics.

What we must do

All Kibaki has to do is look around. All Kimunya and the Karuas of Kenya have to do is listen and all the Uhuru’s & Moi’s have to do is give back land that was ill acquired or forfeited during the families reign at our household. Kenya is ours and we will take it back.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Sunset that never falls into the valley

Kenya's political landscape is a sand artists' manipulation of sand grains on a lit and non-abrasive surface to one's own masterpiece only limited by imagination.

Convenience is a politicians best advantage and were it not for the inevitable celestial order that dips the sunset under the plains & valleys every twenty four hours, a new dawn could not be possible had a politician been at the switch.

A new dawn must come and a new dawn must give promise to tomorrow's sunset that it's skyline will not be obscured by smoke nor the air pelted by decibels of grieving souls mourning and lamenting. A new dawn must give the promise of hope, a gesture in that direction as a way forward to positive outcomes.

It is empirical for one leader to hold us all to ransom, nonetheless it is a greater evil when an entire electorate body abdicates it's mandate to solicited bargains of vested interests with no remorse nor promise that a new dawn is possible: a sunset that in effect prolongs the days hunger, pain and suffering.

Kenya will limp along into the sunset, and when the sun goes down, dawn will bring voices of hope and reason each instant this cycle repeats itself. A never ending quest for a just and equitable society is man's right by birth and so it is that Kenya's struggles will continue untill such a time.